
These 45 and 50 gallon bins are used for mixed paper recycling. The one time purchase fees are $35 and $45 respectively. The 45 gallon bin is replaced for $12.50 and the 50 gallon bin is replaced for $15.

This 65 gallon bin can be used for mixed paper, commingled recycling (plastics,glass, and aluminum), or cardboard/paperboard recycling. It costs $85 to purchase and $22.50 to replace full of mixed paper. If the bin is bagged for commingled recycling, the cost is $5.

These triple corrugated cardboard bins are used for commingled and cardboard recycling stored indoors. These bins are bagged when used for commingled recycling. The bags are replaced for $5. The one time purchase cost for the bin is $14.50. These bins are now available in black plastic. The purchase cost of the plastic version is $35. This can be ideal for commingled recyclables (the bin can be hosed/wiped clean) Bin dimensions are 45 3/4" H x 14 1/4"W x 22 1/4"D. The bins are labeled for recycling (not shown).